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THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE (integrating scar tissue into the fascial web)
  Therapeutic Massage Therapy
  Oncology Massage Therapy

  Breast Cancer Mastectomy, Breast Reconstruction
  Breast Explant, Capsulectomy, Breast Lift, Breast Reduction, Top Surgery & Gender Affirming 

  Abdominal Adhesions Massage Therapy
  Plastic Surgery Recovery Massage Therapy
Massage for scar tissue, adhesions, fibrosis after foot surgery
Session Pricing
  • 60 minute session $120

  • 90 minute session $170

Therapeutic Massage

Massage Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage and Myofascial Release focused on reduction of pain, stiffness and swelling from surgeries and injuries. Sessions are individualized to meet the client's specific needs and focused on integrating scar tissue into the fascial web of the body.

Oncology Massage Therapy

Massage therapy based on working knowledge of cancer and its effects on the body. The aim is to reduce symptoms of pain, anxiety, stiffness and swelling related to surgery, radiation or lymphedema. My focus is to help clients reduce the side effects of scar tissue, adhesions and fibrosis after cancer treatment.  

Breast Cancer Mastectomy, Breast Surgeries Massage Therapy

Gentle massage therapy rehab to help decrease the effects of breast cancer treatment, breast reconstruction, breast reduction, breast implant removal/explant and capsulectomy, top surgery and gender affirming surgeries. Decrease swelling, scar tissue, shoulder pain, tightness across the chest, back and neck. Decrease numbness, axillary web syndrome and swelling.

Abdominal Adhesions Massage Therapy

The inside of the body can affect the outside. Scar tissue and adhesions in the abdomen and pelvis due to C-sections, surgeries, infections and injuries can create tension in the the body and muscular system. This is light touch myofascial release and anatomy based manual therapy to restore mobility on the inside. This work may fill in the missing piece of the puzzle with stubborn and persistent pain issues.

Post-op Plastic Surgery Recovery Massage Therapy

This type of session is focused on reducing swelling, bruising and fibrosis/fibrotic scar tissue after plastic surgery. MLD helps with drainage of the serous fluid accumulating in the subcutaneous space after surgery, as well as beginning hematomas. Surgeries include facelift, liposuction and breast (reduction, lifts, explants, augmentation). 


Gentle myofascial release and manual lymphatic drainage techniques to facilitate the healing process and minimize the impact of scars, adhesions and fibrosis. The effects are not just superficial and limited to the outer appearance of the scar. The effects can extend from surface skin to the deep layers of fascia, muscles, internal organs and bones disrupting the natural movement of our bodies. Scars are congestion in the fascia and can entangle nerves, blood and lymph.

Mature scars can also benefit from treatment. Abdominal and pelvic surgery scar tissue and adhesions; orthopedic surgeries including shoulder, back, neck, hand scar tissue; cosmetic surgeries including breast reduction, liposuction, tummy tucks; oncology or cancer scar tissue, radiation and burn scars.

Extensive training in scar tissue management including Sharon Wheeler ScarWork, Barral Institute Visceral Manipulation, The Spurgeon Method Breast Massage, Kathleen Lisson Plastic Surgery Recovery, Jen Hartley Handle with Care Burn Scar Massage and others. Treatments may also including gentle cupping and KT or kinesio tape.

Session Pricing
  • 60 minute session $120

  • 90 minute session $170

Scar Tissue symptoms:
  • Reoccurring muscular problems temporarily relieved through standard deep tissue massage

  • Restrictions of movement

  • Compromised nerve function

  • Hindrance of lymph flow

Scar tissue therapy for C-sections or Cesarean, abdomial surgery recovery and pelvic surgery recovery
Caesarian (C-section), Cosmetic, Pelvic and Abdominal Scars

Though it may appear as a simple line along the belly, the scar can reach deep into the pelvis through many layers of tissue. Scars and adhesions can interfere with the function of the muscles, nerves, and connective tissue supporting the bladder, uterus, vagina and rectum.


Symptoms may include perineal pain, referred pain to other areas from trapped nerves, urgency or frequency to urinate and painful intercourse. Scar tissue can also pull on areas distant from the scar and restricting movement into the neck, shoulder, spine and/or hips, causing seemingly unrelated symptoms and dysfunction. And if the abdominal muscles don’t feel the same since the surgery or procedure, it may be because the body is relying on the scar tissue to create the stability for the abdominals.

Breast cancer mastectomy, lumpectomy, drain, reconstruction, breast scar scar and adhesion release. Manual lymphatic drainage for breast scars
Mastectomy, Lumpectomy, Biopsy, Radiation, Drain and Breast Reconstruction, Breast Explant, Breast Reduction Scars

Problems that may develop from these treatments include:

  • Shoulder pain, muscle spasms and limited upper arm range of motion due to scarring, adhesions and tightness across the chest. Radiation can also make soft tissue tighter and harder.

  • Nerve entrapment and/or myofascial pain referral causing chest wall pain.

  • Axillary Web Syndrome - a tight, painful, pulling sensation (often with a visible rope-like structure) that develops from the armpit and down the arm.

  • Lymphedema or arm swelling resulting from removal of lymph nodes.  


To reduce these symptoms, techniques center around scar reduction and manual lymphatic drainage.

Benefits include:
  • Changes the quality of tissue and speeds the healing process

  • Lumps, gaps, ridges, holes, bumps, knots, and strings in the tissue become smoother

  • Helps prevent adhesions forming after injury or surgery

  • Contributes significantly to relieve stress on the body from fascial tension

  • Relieves nerve impingement, pain and numbness issues

  • Helps regain and maintain a full range of joint movement

  • Reduces the risk of soft tissue injury

  • Lessens the appearance of scars

  • Emotional attitudes about scars ease

  • A symptomatic scar may be the cause of otherwise unexplained symptoms and may only be revealed by palpatory diagnosis


Scar Tissue Release:
  • It is never too late to improve a scar

  • The techniques are gentle and used with minimal pressure to achieve release of the tissue.

  • Scar work is rarely painful, even for very new scars

  • For new scars, work can begin when your doctor prescribes regular massage

  • Typically, work on new scars can begin 5-6 weeks after surgery, depending upon your doctors advice

  • The scar should not be open, infected, inflamed, weeping or painful.

  • There should not be redness or swelling around the scar due to inflammation or radiation therapy


Manual lymphatic drainage or lymphatic drainage massage for breast surgeries, mastectomy, lumpectomy, gender affirming and top surgery, breast reduction, breast lift, explant, cording

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (MLD) is a specific gentle manual technique designed to increase the movement of lymph and interstitial fluid. The technique is used to reduce swelling/edema, hematoma/bruising, pain and build up of scar tissue from injuries and surgeries. It is effective to reduce inflammation after whiplash, autoimmune disorders, Ménière disease, tinnitus, migraines, sinus headaches, traumatic brain injuries, fibrocystic breast disease, and may be useful to enhance immune function.

MLD encourages proper lymphatic drainage, reduces tissue congestion and promotes better reabsorption an overall recovery and healing time.


In the oncology setting, MLD can assist with post surgical recovery, edema reduction, pain control, hematoma reduction, relaxation and improved sleep. Surgeries, radiation and soft tissue injuries during cancer treatment can disrupt the architecture of the lymphatic vessels and nodes. Scar tissue and fascial restrictions can also interrupt or restrict the superficial lymphatic flow.


In Lymphedema, MLD can is used to reroute fluid around blocked areas into healthy lymphatic regions and lymph nodes. MLD is one of the cornerstones of Complete Decongestive Therapy for the treatment of Lymphedema. 

If you are in active chemotherapy treatment, consult with your healthcare provider as to appropriate timing of MLD therapy. MLD treatments should be avoided to irradiate areas for at least 4-6 weeks after the last radiation treatment or per the recommendation of the radiation oncologist. 

May be used for:
  • Post-surgical edema: orthopedic, oncology, plastic and cosmetic

  • Lymphedema or as a part of Complete Decongestive Therapy

  • Traumatic edema or swelling: sprain, whiplash, hematoma

  • Headache and migraine headache

  • Sinus congestion

  • Tissue congestion

  • Pain control

  • Follow-up to deep tissue

  • Fatigue general relaxation

  • Support immune system and detox

Should not be performed in the case of:
  • Acute infections (including cellulites)

  • Untreated congestive heart failure
    or cardiac edema

  • Acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT)
    within 6 months or recent

  • Malignant disease

  • Kidney dysfunction

Session Pricing​
  • 60 minute session $120

  • 90 minute session $170

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Lic # 27895
Bend, Oregon

​© 2017 Michelle Licha-Oros
Scar & Lymph Wellness

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